A few more images from our time taking care of Wiley. Gracie is indeed getting to be an old dog. This little dog kicked Gracie's butt going up to the top of Spencer Butte. He literally ran circles around all of us.

And at the top of the Butte. Wiley was feeling the heat (look at that tongue!) but it didn't slow him down...

And living room life. They would frequently bark at random times, but I think in this particular instance we were mean and said in a loud excited voice, "They're heerre!" (Which always gets Gracie up and to the door), so that we could see them stand like this for a cute picture...

I guess the real big news update is that we got our car back! About two weeks ago actually. Got a call one afternoon from the police department saying they had found our car. Ironically it was parked just two houses up from my friend’s new house. Apparently it was left there, and the owners of the house called the police to tell them an unknown car was parked outside their house for an extended period of time. Luckily I was home to go get it as they would have towed it at our expense if we couldn’t get there in time. Keith was at work, but my nice neighbor drove me over. The car is in fine shape, just missing a few things – the radio, all four speakers, the floor mats, a blanket, our repair manual,all of Keith’s tools, jumper cable. what did they leave? The garbage, our soccer ball, the spare tire, and half a key stuck in the ignition. Nice to have it back. We’ll miss having a radio for a while, but at least it’s not at risk for being stolen again as there is nothing left to take. But just in case....we did add comprehensive to the insurance.
This is what our front yard looked like about 2 weeks ago. The previous tenant planted this clover as a cover crop with the intent of doing a garden out there. When the red bloomed it became quite the attraction and more than once I'd look out the window and see people crouched down taking pictures of it. Now that the flowers are gone, it looks like dying weeds. Nice. We have dug out a few patches where I have since planted some tomato plants and zucchini. There is nice southern exposure here, so assuming passer-bys don't pick too many of them, we should get some nice results.

In the meantime, Keith bought this:

He started looking at them after the Honda was stolen. He got this for a great price.....but it doesn't run.
Keith took a weekend and met some old friends in Portland and took an attempt at Mt Hood. Unfortunately the weather did not cooperate and they had to turn back after getting about half way. Too bad, but good for them for acknowledging Mother Nature.

Yesterday with temps reaching the mid to high 80's and us both with a day off, we took off for a much needed day out of the city and into the woods for a little hiking. We ended up going to Falls Creek which is just about 30 minutes away with a nice river side trail and virtual solitude as it is the middle of the week. We did about seven miles following the river, where Gracie spent every opportunity she could laying in the water and searching for that elusive perfect rock. Keith and I took a quick dip as well - the water was quite cold, but it sure was refreshing.
The beginning of the trail:

Lots of nice old growth (plenty still standing as well). This one is well over 300 years..

The swimming hole at our turnaround and lunch spot. Gracie was in heaven, but my goodness she was sore when we got home. The poor thing could barely get herself up off the floor.

I'll end with the Dog Story of the week:
Two blocks down from our house is a great organic market where we regularly buy granola, milk that comes in refillable containers and as of late in the evenings while I am slaving away at work, Keith and Gracie walk down there and Keith gets himself a cookie, and Gracie gets a biscuit. So now every time we go to the store, Gracie expects a treat. Frequently she gets one, and even when she doesn’t, she is soooo happy to be there, because, oh.... the potential. So the other day while I was at work, Keith left the house for about 10 minutes to help our neighbors out with something, leaving Gracie in the backyard. The gate between our yard and our neighbor’s was left open and apparently his gate to the outside was left open, because promptly after Gracie heard Keith leave in the car, she walked herself down the street and to the store. Where she happily hung out at the entrance (not going inside mind you) sniffing everyone’s hands as they came out of the store. Keith eventually figured out she was gone (it took him a while to realize that she hadn’t come in to say hello), got on his bike and rode toward the store where he found her perfectly content. We laugh at the image of her trotting down the sidewalk all by herself with her crab-like crooked walk, but at the same time are horrified at what could have happened (seeing as she is not too perceptive about cars and their danger).