Thursday, January 05, 2006

Pictures from Singapore

Not too much new to report. We spent today exploring Little India and the Arab area. We were hoping to go into a mosque today, but of course it's Friday, the holy day, where Muslims spend most of their time in prayer at the mosque and they don't look favorably on tourists coming in inappropriately dressed, leering and gawking. I guess I can understand that. So we just walked around, tried to find the "wet market" in Little India where there were supposed to be wheelbarrows full of goat heads being pushed around, but alas, we couldn't find it.

My parents seem to be enjoying themselves, and while my dad isn't particularly fond of the big cities, he is having no trouble sampling the cuisine. Singapore has a population of about 4 million people. When I mentioned off-handedly that Kuala Lumpur (where we were going to spend one day) had a population of 22 million, dad balked. OK, so we'll skip it. We were only going there for a break in the travel anyway. Even I feel daunted by the task of trying to navigate and manage the logistics of such a large place. So tonight, we'll ride on a luxury sleeper train to KL, then push on to the tea plantation/mountainous area of the Cameron Highlands in inland Malaysia.

Here are my folks at the airport. To their credit, they weren't prepared or posing for this picture. Keith and I actually thought they looked great for the monstrosity of a journey they undertook!
Mom and Dad Bauer arrive at Singapore airport

First thing we did in Singapore, was spend most of the day at the botanical gardens. It was so beautiful.
Singapore botanical garden

Within the garden was an area only for orchids. Amazing. Penny - we thought of you often as we walked around here! You will have to make sure to look at all of mom's pictures when she gets back.
Beautiful orchid

Some cool fanning ferns (I don't think that's the latin name for this plant...)
fanning ferns

Finally, this is how we probably look 80% of the time. Either waiting to cross a busy street, figuring out where we are and which way to go, deciding who wants to do what and when, or as the case was in this photo, planning the next meal. This is on the edge of Little India.
Little India and decisions

Next entry....from Malaysia!


Anonymous said...

I was laughing at the "Standing on the corner deciding where to go, what to do, let's go eat picture." Everyone can relate to that and for sure that is just how it is. Just such a classic travel shot. Good photographering, Keith!
Ferns and Keith plus flowers with Dad and Daughter picture in the gardens were fun too and airport arrival does show how tough and what good survivors Henry and Neena are. It bodes well for Emily's good genes.Of course Bauers got to travel with a good friend taking care of them as a flight attendant for whatever that can be worth on a flight of epic proportions.

Andrea said...

Alright, Neena and Henry, world travelers! Have a fun trip!!